hari ni hari sabtu..
sambil menonton tv..makan strawberi..minum susu kotak anlene..
sambil2 tu on laptop..
terfikir nak bukak facebook yang memang dah sekian lama xbukak..
bila dah lama xbukak tu macam2 la dalam inbox yang perlu dilihat..
macam2 requests dari kawan2..
dan2 tu saje2 je gatai buat quiz kat facebook..
tengok macam menarik je so jawab je la tanpa membuang masa lagi..hihihihi
quiz pasal "Who is the perfect husband?"
question 1:
What is your mood today?
-idle or natural
question 2:
What are you most anxious about?
question 3:
How you feel about the future?
question 4:
What did you dream about last night?
-fantasies or longings
dan keputusan setelah menjawab 4 soalan tersebut adalah seperti berikut..
My idea of a good husband:
+ he loves me to death
+ I love him
+ he loves my children and they love him
+ He thinks I am wonderful
+ I think he is wonderful...
+ He is responsible and reliable
+ He is passionate about me and makes love to me often...He gives.
takde la rase nak kawen pon dalam waktu terdekat ni..
cume saje2 nak buat quiz ni..
kalau la memang dapat seperti yang di atas tu..
hanya Allah yang tahu..
Come Back
6 years ago